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League of Legends 14.11 Patch Notes

The latest League of Legends patch, 14.11, brings several changes to Summoner’s Rift and the new Arena mode. In Summoner’s Rift, Riot Games is closely monitoring snowballing and the impact of changes to experience gain for the jungle and bot lane positions. They aim to strike a balance between early-game advantages and comeback potential. Additionally, they’ve made adjustments to support and ADC durability.

On the Arena front, Riot reports that the new mode is performing well in terms of engagement. However, they recognize the need to address concerns around healing, bans, and item balance. The team is working on improvements to enhance the mode’s replayability and longevity.

Champion Buffs

Among the numerous changes in LoL Patch 14.11, several champions are receiving significant buffs aimed at enhancing their power and gameplay experience. Of particular note is the controversial decision to grant Draven an extraordinary set of buffs, which has raised eyebrows among the community.


(Passive) League of Draven buffs: 

  • Base gold per champion kill increased: 10 → 25
  • Adoration stacks lost on death were reduced: 75% → 50%


Base stats:

  • Base HP increased: 600 → 630
  • Armor per level increased: 4.2 → 4.7


Base stats:

  • AD per level increased: 3 → 3.2

(Mini-Q) Boomerang Throw AD ratio increased: 115% → 125%


(Q) Taste Their Fear base damage increased: 70/95/120/145/170 → 80/105/130/155/180


(R) Wild Growth buffs:

  • Knockup duration increased: 0.75 → 1 second
  • Cooldown reduced: 120/100/80 → 100/90/80 seconds

Master Yi

Base stats:

  • HP per level increased: 100 → 105
  • Armor per level increased: 4.2 → 4.7
  • AD per level increased: 2.2 → 2.5
  • Attack Speed per level increased: 2.0% → 2.5%


Base stats:

  • Base AD increased: 51 → 54

(W) Ebb and Flow mana cost reduced: 70/80/90/100/110 → 70/75/80/85/90

(R) Tidal Wave slow increased: 50/60/70% → 70% flat


Base stats:

  • AD per level increased: 3.5 → 4

(E) Spirit Fire buffs:

  • Mana cost reduced: 70/85/100/115/130 → 60/70/80/90/100
  • Target’s Armor reduction increased: 25/30/35/40/45% → 30/35/40/45/50%


(Hold-Q) Comet Spear: added AP ratio 0% → 50% (also factors into (R) Grand Starfall spear throw damage)

(W) Shield Vault: damage changed 60/100/140/180/220 (+100% AP) physical damage → 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% (+0.4% per 100 bHP) (+1.5% per 100 AP) target’s HP physical damage (50-200 flat against monsters)

(Empowered-E) Aegis Assault: now grants 5/11.5/18/24.5/30 (+2.5% bHP) Armor and Magic Resistance for 4 seconds


(Q) Poison Trail: AP ratio per tick increased: 10% → 10.625% (40% → 42.5% per second)

(R) Insanity Potion cooldown reduced: 120/110/100 → 100 flat seconds


Base stats:

  • Base AD 57 → 60

(P) Dragon Practice 

  • (Q) Super Scorcher Breath magic damage Critical Strike Chance ratio of Dragon Pratice stacks increased 12% → 30% (maximum Dragon Practice stacks ratio increased 52% → 70%)

(Q) Super Scorcher Breath buffs:

  • Mana cost adjusted: 23/26/29/32/35 → 25 flat
  • Physical damage Critical Strike Chance ratio increased: 50% → 75%

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Champion Nerfs

Patch 14.11 brings a series of nerfs aimed at reining in the power of several champions who have been dominating the Rift. Riot Games has taken a targeted approach, addressing specific abilities and scaling factors to bring these champions more in line with the desired balance.


(Q) Precision Protocol bonus Move Speed reduced: 30/35/40/45/50% → 25/30/35/40/45%

(R) The Hextech Ultimatum base damage reduced: 20/30/40 → 5/10/15


(QQ) Devastating Fire target’s max HP ratio reduced: 4/5/6/7/8% → 3/4/5/6/7%

(QE) Molten Fissure damage per tick AP ratio reduced: 6.25% → 5% (25% → 20% per second)


Base stats:

  • HP per level reduced: 124 → 115


Base stats:

  • AD per level reduced 3.15 → 2.9


(Q) Lay Waste base damage reduced: 45/65/85/105/125 → 43/62/81/100/119


(P) Darkness Rise adjustments:

  • Base damage reduced: 5-15.2 (based on levels 1-18) → 5 flat
  • Monster damage cap per second increased: 28-165 → 40-200 (based on levels 1-18)

(Q) Obliterate damage adjusted: 5-139 (based on levels 1-18, skewed late) (+75/95/115/135/155) (+70% AP) → 0-45 (based on levels 9-18, linear) (+80/110/140/170/200) (+70% AP)


(Q) Threaded Volley base damage per hit reduced 60/78/96/114/132 → 56/74.5/93/111.5/130 (subsequent hits still 40% damage, 156/202.8/249.6/296.4/343.2 → 145.6/193.7/241.8/289.9/338 full damage)

Also Read: Best League of Legends Arena Combos (2024)

Champion Adjustments

While some champions receive direct buffs or nerfs, LoL Patch 14.11 also brings a series of adjustments to several other champions and their recommended items and rune pages. These adjustments are aimed at fine-tuning their gameplay experience, itemization, and rune choices, without necessarily increasing or decreasing their overall power level.


(P) Living Forge changes:

  • All Legendary items (sans Tear and Support Items, Mejai’s, and Wardstone) can now be upgraded. Masterwork items currently no longer have unique names.
  • Masterwork items grant a mostly fixed 1000 gold value amount of stats split mostly evenly. HP becomes less valuable when paired with other stats.
  • The item which gets upgraded is still the first Legendary slotted in your inventory.


Base stats:

  • Attack Speed ratio increased: 0.568 → 0.594

(W) Yordle Snap Trap (P) Headshot damage increase bAD ratio reduced 40/50/60/70/80% → 40% flat

(R) Ace in the Hole bAD ratio reduced: 170% → 150%


(Q) Ntofo Strikes mana cost reduced: 28/26/24/22/20 → 20 flat

(W) Path Maker nerfs:

  • Maximum charge time reduced 1.5 → 1 second
  • Damage reduction reduced 40-65% (based on levels 1-18) → 30% flat

(R-W) All Out Bonus damage reduction adjusted: 57.35-75% (based on levels 6-18) → 60% flat

(R) All Out healing from damage increased: 10/15/20% → 15/20/25%

Recommended Items/Runes Sweep

  • Draven: Bloodthirster & Infinity Edge recommended first, Conqueror rune page added
  • K’Sante: Shield Bash recommended over Demolish, Last Stand recommended over Legend: Haste
  • Sivir: Fleet Footwork rune pages added, Sorcery > Inspiration secondary, PTA less recommended
  • Smolder: Trinity Force recommended first
  • Xayah: Essence Reaver & Infinity Edge recommended first, moving Kraken Slayer off
  • Yasuo/Yone: Fleet Footwork recommended

Also Read: 3 Ways on How to Get an S in League of Legends Every Game

System Buffs, Nerfs, and Adjustments

In addition to champion-specific changes, LoL Patch 14.11 brings a series of adjustments to various game systems, runes, and items. These system-level tweaks aim to fine-tune the overall gameplay experience, addressing balance issues, and introducing strategic shifts. 

Absorb Life

Heal per unit killed increased: 2-17 → 2-20 (based on levels 1-18)

Cut Down

HP threshold reduced: 60% → 50%

Essence Reaver

Cost reduced: 3200 → 3100

Immortal Shieldbow

Lifeline shield increased: 320-530 (based on levels 11-18) → 320-720 (based on levels 8-18)

Statikk Shiv


  • AD increased: 50 → 55
  • Attack Speed increased: 40% → 45%
  • Move Speed added: 0% → 7%
  • Electrospark damage increased: 90 → 120
  • Cost reduced: 2900 → 2800 gold

Build path changed: Scout’s Slingshot + Hearthbound Axe + 700 gold → Scout’s Slingshot + Rectrix + 1000 gold


Lethality reduced: 15 → 12

Infinity Edge

Bonus Critical Strike Damage reduced: 50% → 40%

Lane Swapping

  • Turret Fortification damage reduction increased: 50% → 75%
  • First Turret Gold increased: 150 → 300


LoL Patch 14.11 promises to shake up the rift meta with its comprehensive changes to champions, items, and game systems. This patch offers exciting opportunities to explore new strategies, builds, and playstyles. Embrace the changes, adapt to the evolving meta, and continue to hone your skills as you embark on new adventures in the ever-evolving world of League of Legends.

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