PhantomScript - How to setup our LoL Script

A detailed step by step guide how to install and start our LoL Script “PhantomScript”. Please go through everything before you open a support ticket in Discord. If you have a problem, 90% of the time it’s because you skipped a step.

Table of Contents:

Worth knowing:

1. The LoL Script must be started manually every round

2. PhantomScript Hotkeys:

  • Left Shift: Ingame Script menu
  • Space: Combo mode
  • V: Lane clear mode
  • X: Last Hit mode
  • C: Last Hit minions & Harass enemy
  • K: Evade function ON/OFF

3. All Images below can be clicked to view in full size

1. Requirements

1.1 Check for Windows updates

1.2 Update your Graphic Card driver

Check for updates for your Graphic Card Driver. If you´ve a Nvidia Card, then you can use Nvidia Geforce Experience like in the screenshot below.

1.3 Install VC++ and DirectX

We´ve a bundle of 3 files to download, which are required in terms to use our LoL Script.

Please download the file and execute it. It will extract the 3 files, which you have to install to the path you´ve selected

1.4 Set Borderless in League of Legends

Make sure you´re using Borderless as Window-Mode in League of Legends:

2. Disable windows defender permanently

2.1 Open Windows Security Tab.

2.2 Open Virus & threat Protection Tab

2.3 Disable all 4 steps

2.4 Download Windows Defender Control

Download from here

2.5 Unpack wdc.exe

password: 1234

2.6 Download Windows Defender Controler:

2.7 Click on "Disable Windows Defender"

2.8 Uninstall / deactivate your anti-Virus

Deactivate, better deinstall all anti virus tools e.g:
– Avira
– Norton
– TotalAV
– Bitdefender
– McAfee
– PCProtect
– ThreatProtection
– And all others which exist

3: Deactivate Windows UAC

– Search for Change User Account Control settings in the Windows search
– set the controller to never notify and confirm with OK

4: Deactivate the core isolation

4.1: Open Core isolation and disable Memory intergrity

4.2: Open Regesrty Editor

Navigate to:

Check if VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable exist, set the hex value to 0. (if there is no such entry continue with step 4.3.) 

4.3 Create Entry (!!!ONLY IF NOT EXIST IN STEP 4.2!!!)

– If the entry VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable does not exist, it has to be created.
– right click and create a Dword 32bit Value
– name this VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable
– Open the entry VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable and set the hex value to 0.

5: Deactivate SmartScreen

– Open Windows Security
– Open App & browser control Tab

– Open Reputation-base protection settings

– Disable Check apps and files

6: Start our launcher

6.1: Download & Unzip our Launcher

Download & execute our launcher. It will extract to the path you´ve selected.

pw: 1234

6.2: Start our Launcher

– Open Launcher.exe and confirm that it may always be executed

6.3: Press Launch

6.3: Login

– Enter your License data that you´ve received via email after order process

6.3: Go ingame

6.3: Press Inject

!!!Press inject only, when the game was fully loaded and ONLY INSIDE THE BASE!!!