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League of Legends: Patch 14.16 Notes

League of Legends 14.16 Patch Notes brings a fresh wave of changes coming to Summoner’s Rift on August 18th. As with every patch, Riot Games continues to fine-tune the game’s balance, introducing a mix of buffs, nerfs, and system adjustments that promise to shake up the meta and breathe new life into the competitive landscape.

This patch spotlighted several mid-lane mages, with Azir, Orianna, and Syndra receiving notable buffs. These changes bolster their presence in the current meta and potentially shift the dynamics of mid-lane matchups. On the flip side, the only champion that faces the Nerf hammer is Corki

While these highlighted changes are sure to catch the eye of many players, it’s important to note that Patch 14.16 encompasses a broader range of tweaks and modifications. As summoners dive into the patch notes, they’ll discover a wealth of additional changes that could influence their favorite champions and strategies in the coming weeks.

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LoL Patch 14.16 Buffs

League of Legends Patch 14.16 brings a wave of buffs to a diverse group of champions, spanning various roles and playstyles. The mid lane sees significant attention with improvements to the Azir, Orianna, and Syndra. These mages are joined by Sylas and Katarina, potentially shaking up mid-lane dynamics. The jungle role also receives some love, Vi and Skarner getting power boosts. Rounding out the list of buffed champions is Wukong, whose enhancements may impact both top lane and jungle strategies.


Base Stats:

  • Base HP regeneration increased: 3.5 → 5
  • Base Armor increased: 22 → 25


(Q) Command Attack AP ratio increased: 50% → 55%


(R) Unleashed Power base damage per (Q) Dark Sphere increased: 90/130/170 → 100/140/180


Base Stats:

  • Base HP increased: 575 → 600

(P-Unshackled) Petricite Burst – Unshackled primary target damage AP ratio increased: 25% → 30%

(W) Kingslayer base damage increased: 65/100/135/170/205 → 75/110/145/180/215


(Q) Bouncing Blade damage increased: 80/110/140/170/200 (+35% AP) → 80/120/160/200/240 (+45% AP)

(E) Shunpo base damage reduced: 20/35/50/65/80 → 20/30/40/50/60

(R) Death Lotus on-hit effectiveness reduced: 30/35/40% → 25/30/35%


(Q) Vault Breaker minimum base damage increased: 45/70/95/120/145 → 50/75/100/125/150 (90/140/190/240/290 → 100/150/200/250/300 maximum)


Base Stats:

  • Base HP increased: 610 → 630
  • Base AD increased: 60 → 63

(Q) Shattered Earth bAD ratio increased: 60% → 80%


(P) Stone Skin maximum Strength of Stone stacks increased: 5 → 6

(E) Nimbus Strike bonus Attack Speed increased: 35/40/45/50/55% → 40/45/50/55/60%

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LoL Patch 14.16 Nerfs

In Patch 14.16, the Nerf spotlight falls squarely on a single champion: Corki. The decision to target Corki with nerfs suggests that Riot Games believes he has been overperforming in recent patches. These adjustments aim to bring Corki’s power level more in line with other mid laners.


(Q) Phosphorus Bomb nerfs:

  • Cooldown increased: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 → 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
  • Mana cost increased: 60/65/70/75/80 → 80 flat

LoL Patch 14.16 Champion Adjustments

Patch 14.16 brings targeted adjustments to three champions who have been under close scrutiny. Lucian, Qiyana, and Senna. These changes are designed to address specific aspects of each champion’s performance without completely overhauling their playstyles, aiming for a more balanced state in both casual and competitive play.


(P-Vigilance) Lightslinger – Vigilance AD ratio increased: 15% → 20%

(Q) Piercing Light base damage reduced: 95/125/155/185/215 → 85/115/145/175/205


Base Stats:

  • Base Armor increased: 28 → 31

(Q) Edge of Ixtal damage increased: 50/85/120/155/190 (+75% bAD) → 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% bAD)

(W-P) Terrashape base bonus magic damage on-hit reduced: 8/22/36/50/64 → 8/16/24/32/40

(R) Supreme Display of Talent bAD ratio reduced: 175% → 125%


Base Stats:

  • Attack Speed per level reduced: 4% → 2%

(P-Mist) Absolution – Mist Critical Strike Chance per 20 Mist stacks reduced: 10% → 8%

(Q) Piercing Darkness adjustments:

  • Heal adjusted: 40/50/60/70/80 (+30% bAD) (+40% AP) (+160% Lethality) → 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% bAD) (+80% AP) (+0% Lethality)
  • Slow increased: 15% (+10% per 100 bAD) (+6% per 100 AP) → 15% (+15% per 100 bAD) (+10% per 100 AP)

(W) Last Embrace root duration increased: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 → 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds

(R) Dawning Shadow shield increased: 100/150/200 (+40% AP) (+150% (P) Absolution – Mist stacks) → 120/160/200 (+70% AP) (+150% (P) Absolution – Mist stacks)

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LoL Patch 14.16 System Buffs, Nerfs, & Adjustments

Patch 14.16 introduces several changes to the game’s core systems, aiming to refine the overall player experience. On the Nerf side, Doran’s Blade and Blade of the Ruined King. Conversely, Black Cleaver receives a buff, which could impact the viability of certain Bruiser builds. The patch also brings adjustments to death mechanics, with tweaks to both Death Timers and Death Homeguards. 

System Buffs

Black Cleaver

Carve: no longer has a 0.01-second cooldown between stacks

System Nerfs

Doran’s Blade

Base Stats:

  • HP reduced: 100 → 80
  • Life Steal reduced: 3.5% → 3%

Blade of the Ruined King

Base Stats:

  • AD reduced: 55 → 50
  • Attack Speed reduced: 30% → 25%

Mist’s Edge target’s current health damage increased: 9%/6% → 10%/6% (melee/ranged)

System Adjustments

Death Timers

Death timers levels 1-9 increased: 6/6/8/8/10/12/16/21/26 → 10/10/12/12/14/16/20/25/28 seconds

Death Homeguards

Duration increased: 5 seconds, starts instantly → 8 seconds, starts when leaving the fountain


Patch 14.16 brings a diverse array of changes to League of Legends, focusing on balancing champions across various roles and adjusting core game systems. With significant buffs to mid-lane mages like Azir, Orianna, and Syndra, as well as targeted nerfs to Corki, the patch aims to shake up the mid-lane meta. The adjustments to Lucian, Qiyana, and Senna address specific performance issues without drastically altering their playstyles.

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